Sunday, April 18, 2010


No matter what, the military will let you down.

Sometimes I feel I would be better suited to run the military :)

It has been almost 8 months since I have seen my husband, and he was supposed to be home today. Well, guess what, he is not, no big suprise. I have been sitting in Oklahoma waiting to go on to Gulfport, Mississippi, but tomorrow I am going to go back home to Colorado...which is the opposite direction I need to be driving in order to see my husband.

So, I have definitely learned how things in the military work, and have learned to expect nothing, to make no plans. So I thought that when I decided to drive down to Gulfport I had it figured out...NOT! I thought dirivng would give me flexibility with dates. This last Friday I drove to Oklahoma to see friends and to go to a wedding shower, and then had planned on continuing to Gulfport on Monday, if Robby's arrival date changed by a day or two, I could deal, since I had my car and nowhere else to be, I could stay an extra day in Oklahoma, I did not have airline dates to be tied to. Well, the date did change from him arriving on Tuesday, to arriving on big deal, right? Well then this weekend it was changed yet again to him arriving on Friday....still not too big a deal. I still had my sanity, I wouldn't mind spending a few more days with Megan.

Then, I get an email from Robby at 2am this morning saying that he was once again delayed until Monday! So, pretty much, I snapped. After waiting here in Oklahoma for five days, I am going back home tomorrow, and I am going to fly to Gulfport on Sunday...and I'm not sure I
even believe he will be here Monday anyway... It is going to be a long 11 hour drive tomorrow.

Who cares if some volcano is erupting...

Comes home soon!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


For those of you who know me, (and maybe even those who don't) know that my puppy Winston is my life. Robby and I got him almost a year ago, he was my wedding present from Robby, and he was THE BEST present EVER! Winston, also known as Winnie, is a Shorkie (shit-zu yorkie mix)...they are the absolute best mixes and I recommend them to everyone.

I cannot tell you how much having Winnie has helped me through Robby's deployment...without Winnie, it would have been miserable. I grew up having dogs and when I went away to college it was so hard not having the puppies with me, I could not wait to get out of school housing so I could have my own puppy. Having someone who always greets you at the door when you come home, someone who is always happy to see you and loves you no matter what is the best!

Winnie turned 1 on March 21st and we had a birthday party for him, I made him a birthday cake and his cousins Betsy and Bogey were there...he also got lots of new toys too!!

Me with the birthday boy

It's hard to get a picture of him with his eyes open!

They loved the cake!

Kisses for the birthday boy

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Wedding Day

Robby and I were married on May 29, 2009 and I cannot believe it's been almost a year!! We got married at the Ritz Carlton in Denver, Colorado and it was the perfect location. My parents gave us such a wonderful day and we are so grateful for everything they did. We also had an incredible wedding planner, Heather Allen of Table 6 Productions and I recommend her to anyone having any kind of event! Check out her website,, I cannot say enough good things about her and her team! Here are some of the wonderful pictures taken by our photographer Frances,

Love my sister!

O how I miss you three!!

Thanks to everyone who made our wedding so special!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yesterday was my 23rd birthday and it was my first birthday as an actual adult. I miss waking up when I was little and coming downstairs on the morning of my birthday to find a massive amount of presents on the kitchen island! Although I didn't open any presents on my birthday I got some of the best presents. I got a Kindle from my parents, which I got it a few weeks early...I love it!! I also bought myself an iTouch that was from my husband :) My sister gave me a cute bag and shirt from Victoria's Secret and she also got me a stereo for my iTouch and I got a purse from my grandparents. I also did some shopping tonight! I think I like birthday's better than Christmas!

My mom and I also went to see the movie Valentine's Day last was so cute!! After the movie we ate my strawberries and champagne birthday cake from Das Meyer. It was SO cake with pink frosting, strawberries, and champagne is my new favorite kind of cake.

The best birthday cake EVER

I got this idea from another blog and decided to try it, so here are 23 random things about me.
1. I absolutely LOVE the color pink.
2. For my puppy's 1st birthday I am throwing him a birthday party, complete with a bone shaped cake and birthday hats.
3. I have never broken a bone.
4. I love to read.
5. I still watch the Disney Channel, regularly.
6. I had 44 (I think) stitches in the inside of my mouth, between my lip and jaw just over a year ago.
7. HGTV is my other favorite tv station.
8. House Hunters is one of my favorite shows.
9. I have watched every season (except the first one) of the Bachelor.
10. I have never played a sport.
11. I love my husband more than anything.
12. I cannot stand to hear other people chew!
13. I do and eat everything in even numbers.
14. I count the number of steps I take...and they have to be even.
15. I love to work out!
16. I have an obsession with candles - Tyler and Yankee Candles.
17. I cannot wait to have my own house to decorate.
18. I still listen to Adventures in Odyssey, a children's radio show...I think we have every episode on tape or CD.
19. I am a pediatric nurse and just a couple weeks ago I absolutely fell in love with a 2 month old baby, I hope he defies the odds and statistics! Good luck buddy!!
20. I am deathly afraid of spiders and bugs...pretty much anything with wings or more than 4 legs.
21. I love buttercream frosting, the corner piece is always mine...don't ever take my frosting...Robby...
22. I love the sun!
23. I think it would be fun to have a posh job (like a magazine editor) and penthouse in New York City.
That was fun, but kinda hard to do!

I missed having Robby and my sister here for my birthday, but it was still a good one. Hope this year is filled with new and exciting things!

Although it wasn't for my birthday, the best present I have gotten this year was the Tiffany heart necklace my hubby sent my for Valentine's Day...but it will be topped when he finally comes home!! LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Beginning

So I finally gave in and decided to start my own blog. I am horrible at writing and expressing my thoughts, but I want something to do, so lets give it a shot! I know that no one will probably read this, except for my husband, parents, and maybe my sister, but at least it gives me something to do.

To start, I spent forever just trying to decide what to call my blog...I had already made two different blogs and decided that I didn't like the titles, and everything else I tried was already taken so, I finally decided on this one....might change my mind again...I don't ever seem to like the things I come up with!

I married Robby on May 29, 2009 and he was deployed at the end of June. We are going on the ninth month of him being gone, but he should be home in less than two months and we can finally really be married!!! He has been a Seabee in the United States Navy for almost five years, I have known him for more than four of those years and I couldn't be more proud of him!

This is a picture that Robby's sister took of us when we first met in college.