Sunday, April 18, 2010


No matter what, the military will let you down.

Sometimes I feel I would be better suited to run the military :)

It has been almost 8 months since I have seen my husband, and he was supposed to be home today. Well, guess what, he is not, no big suprise. I have been sitting in Oklahoma waiting to go on to Gulfport, Mississippi, but tomorrow I am going to go back home to Colorado...which is the opposite direction I need to be driving in order to see my husband.

So, I have definitely learned how things in the military work, and have learned to expect nothing, to make no plans. So I thought that when I decided to drive down to Gulfport I had it figured out...NOT! I thought dirivng would give me flexibility with dates. This last Friday I drove to Oklahoma to see friends and to go to a wedding shower, and then had planned on continuing to Gulfport on Monday, if Robby's arrival date changed by a day or two, I could deal, since I had my car and nowhere else to be, I could stay an extra day in Oklahoma, I did not have airline dates to be tied to. Well, the date did change from him arriving on Tuesday, to arriving on big deal, right? Well then this weekend it was changed yet again to him arriving on Friday....still not too big a deal. I still had my sanity, I wouldn't mind spending a few more days with Megan.

Then, I get an email from Robby at 2am this morning saying that he was once again delayed until Monday! So, pretty much, I snapped. After waiting here in Oklahoma for five days, I am going back home tomorrow, and I am going to fly to Gulfport on Sunday...and I'm not sure I
even believe he will be here Monday anyway... It is going to be a long 11 hour drive tomorrow.

Who cares if some volcano is erupting...

Comes home soon!!


  1. My husband is only gone for 30 days and it's driving me absolutely nuts. I have a tremendous respect for the wives who wait on their husbands for months on end. I have to prepare myself for that deployment next spring. But anyway, if they were to change my hubby's flight schedule and he wasn't coming home when we first thought, oh wow, I would want to say a few words to his C.O. LOL. But, I guess being a part of the "silent ranks" means keeping our political opinions to ourselves while we wait at home filled with anxiety and lonliness. Hope that your husband makes it home safe.

    PS: My husband is a Seabee as well. He's a CM. What is your husbands job?

  2. I heard that he is back in the states finally! Give him a big hug from his sister!
