Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Beginning

So I finally gave in and decided to start my own blog. I am horrible at writing and expressing my thoughts, but I want something to do, so lets give it a shot! I know that no one will probably read this, except for my husband, parents, and maybe my sister, but at least it gives me something to do.

To start, I spent forever just trying to decide what to call my blog...I had already made two different blogs and decided that I didn't like the titles, and everything else I tried was already taken so, I finally decided on this one....might change my mind again...I don't ever seem to like the things I come up with!

I married Robby on May 29, 2009 and he was deployed at the end of June. We are going on the ninth month of him being gone, but he should be home in less than two months and we can finally really be married!!! He has been a Seabee in the United States Navy for almost five years, I have known him for more than four of those years and I couldn't be more proud of him!

This is a picture that Robby's sister took of us when we first met in college.

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