Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our House

So we have been in our house for 4 months now and it has been quite an adjustment to say the least. To go from paying only a cell phone and car payment, to having a full on mortgage = pretty good sticker shock! :) We have been able to finish and furnish most of the rooms in our house except for the study and the two extra bedrooms upstairs. We still need a bed for the guest room in the basement, we just need to get that from my parents' house, some day we will do that, but here are some pictures of what we have accomplished this summer.

Powder bathroom

No picture of the messy study

I'm not happy with this part of the family room....I don't like how the entertainment center is decorated. Maybe once I get my fall decorations out I will like it better....defiantely needs some work

Master bath

Master bedroom

Proof that my dogs really do drink out of the bathtub faucet :)

Upstairs hallway

Upstairs bath

1 of two bedrooms....the other one is the exact same

Upstairs laundry

I completely forgot to take pictures of the basement which is probably my favorite part of the house, even though I don't ever get to spend time down there. Maybe this weekend I will get some good pictures as we break in my husband's TV for it's VERY FIRST OU GAME!!!


  1. HP! Love your home!! It's perfect. I'm glad I gave you the inspiration you needed to continue the blog. I didn't even know you had one going... And thanks to you, I found a fun new background for mine! :)

  2. The house looks great. I bet it is going to be a ton of fun decorating it over the next few months!
