Thursday, September 22, 2011

Colorado Wine Festival

This past weekend my parents and I went to Colorado Wine Fest in Grand Junction. Saturday was the Tour de Vineyards, it's an easy 25 mile bike ride through the vineyards in Palisade, CO. We drove to Grand Junction Friday night and when we woke up Saturday morning it was pouring down rain. We got in the car and drove to Palisade thinking the rain would probably be gone by the time we got on our bikes...nope! They said that in the 18 years the tour had been in existence, they had never once had rain....of course it would rain when we are there. We got on our bikes anyway and rode the whole way.

The ride was actually kinda fun, I don't think I have ever "played" in the rain before! Within 5 minutes we were soaked from head to toe, I even had water sloshing in my shoes most of the ride. Thankfully it wasn't too cold outside, it was around 65, but by the time we were done we had been wet for so long that I was absolutely FREEZING! When we finished I had mud, not only all over my body, but all over my face too!! I had followed behind my mom the whole way and I got her splash back....I should have gotten a picture, it would have been pretty funny!

Needless to say, I didn't get any pictures while on our ride, which is unfortunate :( I did take a picture from inside the car before we left, to give you some idea of what we rode in.

It was fun to see the vineyards and it was a pretty ride, but bet it would have been much better in the sunshine! Next I'm going to ride through the vineyards in Napa Valley, or somewhere like that!

After our ride we didn't feel like going to the festival in the park so we went back to the hotel, showered and took a nap. That afternoon we drove over the Colorado National Monument which was really cool. Now I am one of those people who hate scenery pictures, I think they are so boring, but this place was so pretty I couldn't help myself...and it wasn't like I could get pictures with people in them, because I took most of them while we were driving.

Independence Rock

These are called the 'coke ovens'

After that we went shopping at the mall and then saw the The Help. It was such a good movie, just as good as the book actually, would definately recommen it! We missed Robby, wish he could have been year!! :)

Sunday morning we drove back to Denver and it was my mom's birthday so we celebrated that night with dinner. It was such a fun weekend, can't wait to do it all again next year!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Art Class

Last week I went to Canvas and Corkscrews with my mom, grandma and some of their friends. For those of you still living under a rock who don't know what this is :), you go to a painting class and they have wine for purchase. You paint the selected painting (or whatever you feel like painting) for the night and a teacher walks you through each step of the painting. Now I have no artistic ability when it comes to drawing or painting, but, with the help of a little wine, I actually end up with a pretty decent painting! Every time I come home, my husband says, "wow, you actually did a good job!" haha!!

I was actually not very pleased with this painting, I don't like how the colors turned out, but it's not too bad.

This was our first time to Canvas and Corkscrews and it was fun, but I would reccomend Canvas and Cocktails is so much more fun! Canvas and Cocktails is located in Cherry Creek here in Denver and it is crazy! The girl who teaches the classes there is CrAzY and so much fun, she plays loud, fun music which makes it even better. I like most of their paintings better too....and I have had better luck with how my paintings turn out. Here are some of my painting from there.

On the crafty note, I had a couple of drapery pannels that I wasn't going to use, so I decided that I would use them to make some new pillows (pillows are my sewing specialty!). I decided to cover some ugly pillows that came with my couch and they turned out okay, not my favorite though.