Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our House

So we have been in our house for 4 months now and it has been quite an adjustment to say the least. To go from paying only a cell phone and car payment, to having a full on mortgage = pretty good sticker shock! :) We have been able to finish and furnish most of the rooms in our house except for the study and the two extra bedrooms upstairs. We still need a bed for the guest room in the basement, we just need to get that from my parents' house, some day we will do that, but here are some pictures of what we have accomplished this summer.

Powder bathroom

No picture of the messy study

I'm not happy with this part of the family room....I don't like how the entertainment center is decorated. Maybe once I get my fall decorations out I will like it better....defiantely needs some work

Master bath

Master bedroom

Proof that my dogs really do drink out of the bathtub faucet :)

Upstairs hallway

Upstairs bath

1 of two bedrooms....the other one is the exact same

Upstairs laundry

I completely forgot to take pictures of the basement which is probably my favorite part of the house, even though I don't ever get to spend time down there. Maybe this weekend I will get some good pictures as we break in my husband's TV for it's VERY FIRST OU GAME!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Life Lately

Wow, it's been more than a year since I last posted...kinda dropped the ball on that one! B-rit, you motivated me to start up again after reading your blog last night :) As you could probably guess, by my lack of posts, we have had quite the year since Robby came home. Here are some pictures of our first "real" year being married.

He's finally home!!!!

Our new house!!!

Cousin's wedding in Arkansas

July 2010 Robby and I along with my mom and dad rode in the Children's Hospital Courage Classic, a three day 157 mile bike tour through Copper Mountain, Vail and Breckenridge was so much fun and so worth it!

After Robby got home from his deployment last April we went to Vegas to celebrate out 1 year anniversary. Here are a couple, old, pictures from that trip, it was such a blast!

1 year anniversary

I could go to Vegas just for the pools!

View from our hotel room at the Bellagio

After we came home we spent a few months just getting settled and Robby started back to school at the University of Colorado at Denver, studying Business (his goal is to attend law school after finishing his undergrad.) At this time we were still living with my parents but in September we signed a contract on a house!! The house was not yet built so we got to pick everything out. Getting to pick everything for our house was fun, but a little overwhelming. Needless to say, we went in to the home gallery saying that we wouldn't spend more than a certain amount....we more than doubled that number in the end :) We had a long winter waiting for the house to be done but, finally, on April 27, 2011 we signed on the house and it was ours!!

Again, this summer, Robby left for a couple weeks for military training so we were apart a lot and are just now getting back to adjusting to life have a whole year together, un-interrupted by the military would be wonderful! We can't wait to start making memories in this house. Robby has started back to school, is working part time and just got a job as assistant football coach at one of the high schools here in town, YAY!!! He loves what he does but it certainly makes for one busy life. With me working nights we hardly see each other, but it's okay, it's only temporary. I am still working at Children's, but I transferred off the floor and am now working in one of Children's satellite emergency departments and I LOVE IT!!

We have now been in our house for four months and with the furniture we have, the house is mostly done (except for the two extra bedrooms and the study...and we still need to get the bed for the guest room from my parent's basement). Pictures to come soon. I can't wait to start decorating for fall and Christmas!!

O, I almost forgot, well not really, but just before we moved into our new house, we got a brother for Winnie....Winnie has to have someone to play with, and we knew he'd miss Bogey and Betsy like crazy! His name is Putter, or Putt Putt (can you tell my husband is a golfer??) and he is a Shorkie just like Winnie. Putt Putt is ten months old right now and him and Winnie have become bff's.....they even kind of exclude Bogey when they go visit him :( Putt Putt has had quite a summer though, he was pretty bow-legged so the vet did "ulnar osteomoties" on both legs (they removed part of both bones to allow room for them to grow straighter). He had this procedure done, at the same time he was neutered....poor pup!! Needless to say, he is doing great! We don't know what we'd do without "those two pups" (as Robby would say to them)....we think that everyone should have a dog :)

Our boys!!

Putt Putt when we first got him